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General usage and editing of Holograms


Parenthesis are used to indicate arguments. They are not required in the actual command you use!

Parenthesis Meaning
<> Indicates a required argument.
[] Indicates a optional argument.
{} Gives a list of possible options, separated by |.


Aliases: hologram, holo, h
Permission: dh.command.holograms

Command help

For a list of all available subcommands run the following command:

/dh h help

/dh h addflag <hologram> <flag>

Permission: dh.command.holograms.addflag

Adds a flag to a hologram.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <flag> - Name of the Flag to add.

/dh h align <hologram> {X|Y|Z|XZ|FACING} <otherHologram>

Permission: dh.command.holograms.align

Moves a hologram to the location of the other hologram on a specified axis.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • {X|Y|Z|XZ|FACING} - Aligns the hologram on either the X, Y, Z, or X and Z axis of the <otherHologram>, or sets the same facing angle as the <otherHologram>.
  • <otherHologram> - Name of the other Hologram.

/dh h center <hologram>


Moves a hologram into the center of the block on its current X and Z location.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.

/dh h clone <hologram> <name> [temp] [-l:<world>:<x>:<y>:<z>]

Aliases: copy
Permission: dh.command.holograms.clone

Clone an existing hologram.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram to clone.
  • <name> - Name of the new, clones Hologram.
  • [temp] - Optional boolean to set, whether the cloned hologram should be temporary (not save to file) or not. Default is false
  • [-l:<world>:<x>:<y>:<z>] - Optional location argument, which allows you to specify the location where the cloned hologram should be placed. This argument can also be used by console users to execute the command.


/dh h clone test test_clone
/dh h clone test test_clone true
/dh h clone test test_clone -l:world:0:100:0
/dh h clone test test_clone true -l:world:0:100:0

/dh h create <name> [-l:<world>:<x>:<y>:<z>] [content]

Aliases: create, c
Permission: dh.command.holograms.create

Create a new hologram.

  • <name> - Name of the created Hologram.
  • [-l:<world>:<x>:<y>:<z>] - Optional location argument, which allows you to specify the location where the hologram should be placed. This argument can also be used by console users to execute the command.
  • [content] - Content of the first line. (Optional)


/dh h create test
/dh h create test -l:world:0:100:0
/dh h create test First Line
/dh h create test -l:world:0:100:0 First Line

/dh h delete <hologram>

Aliases: del, remove, rem
Permission: dh.command.holograms.delete

Delete an existing hologram.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.

/dh h disable <hologram>

Aliases: off
Permission: dh.command.holograms.disable

Disable a hologram. While disabled, it won't be displayed to anyone.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.

/dh h downorigin <hologram> {true|false}

Permission: dh.command.holograms.downorigin

Sets the value of down origin. If true, hologram's location will be relative to its bottom.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • {true|false} - Whether the hologram's location should be relative to its bottom line or not.

/dh h enable <hologram>

Aliases: on
Permission: dh.command.holograms.enable

Enable a hologram.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.

/dh h info <hologram>


Prints some general info about a hologram.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.

/dh h lines <hologram> <page> [listPage]

Permission: dh.command.holograms.lines

Lists all the holograms lines.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Page to list the lines of.
  • [listPage] - Optional page in the list to move to.

/dh h move <hologram> <x> <y> <z>

Aliases: mv
Permission: dh.command.holograms.move

Teleports the given hologram to the given coordinates.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <x> - New X location of the Hologram.
  • <y> - New Y location of the Hologram.
  • <z> - New Z location of the Hologram.

/dh h movehere <hologram>

Aliases: mvhr
Permission: dh.command.holograms.movehere

Teleports the given hologram to your location.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.

/dh h near <distance>

Permission: dh.command.holograms.near

Lists of holograms in the specified distance from you.

  • <distance> - Distance to check in blocks.

/dh h removeflag <hologram> <flag>

Permission: dh.command.holograms.removeflag

Removes a flag from the hologram.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <flag> - Name of the Flag you want to remove.

/dh h rename <hologram> <new_name>

Permission: dh.command.holograms.rename

Rename an existing hologram.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram, you want to rename.
  • <new_name> - The Hologram's new name.

/dh h setdisplayrange <hologram> <range>

Permission: dh.command.holograms.setdisplayrange

Set maximum distance a player can be from a hologram to see it.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <range> - Number between 1 and 64 to set the display range in blocks.

/dh h setfacing <hologram> <facing>

Aliases: facing, face, setface
Permission: dh.command.holograms.setfacing

Set the rotation of hologram facing (yaw). Only affects #HEAD:, #SMALLHEAD: and #ENTITY: content lines.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <facing> - Number between -180.0 and 180.0 for a specific angle, or a cardinal direction (NORTH, EAST, SOUTH or WEST).

/dh h setpermission <hologram> [permission]

Aliases: permission, setperm, perm
Permission: dh.command.holograms.setpermission

Set the current permission required to view the hologram.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • [permission] - Permission required for a hologram to be seen. Leave empty to remove any permission.

/dh h setupdateinterval <hologram> <interval>

Aliases: updateinterval
Permission: dh.command.holograms.setupdateinterval

Set update interval.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <interval> - Number between 1 and 1200 to set the interval in ticks (20 ticks = 1 sec.).

/dh h setupdaterange <hologram> <range>

Permission: dh.command.holograms.setupdaterange

Set maximum distance a player can be from a hologram to see it's updates.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <range> - Number between 1 and 64 to set the update range in blocks.

/dh h teleport <hologram>

Aliases: tele, tp
Permission: dh.command.holograms.teleport

Teleports you to the given hologram.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.

/dh h update <hologram>

Permission: dh.command.holograms.update

Hide the hologram and then Show it again.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.