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What's DecentHolograms?

DecentHolograms is a very versatile hologram plugin that offers a wide range of features and customization options, making it easy to create unique and personalized holograms.

With a user-friendly command interface, you can easily create and customize holograms without the need to edit any configuration files.


  • Packet-based

    All Holograms are packet-based, meaning they only exist for the client, but not for the server, eliminating the need for physical entities on the Server that eats up resources.
    It also opens the door for various per-player features such as parsing placeholders for the player looking on the Hologram

  • Multiple Pages

    A hologram can have multiple pages to display to players, allowing you to split large amounts of information up into smaller parts that a player can go through, while keeping everything in a single Hologram.

  • Interactions

    Holograms can be interacted with by the player.
    Using click actions, you can send messages, execute commands, switch servers, switch pages and more for when a player left- or right-clicks a Hologram.

  • Animations

    Holograms offer the option of text-based animations to be displayed. This includes built-in animations and custom animations to show.

  • Line-offsets

    Want to have the text all be aligned to the left? Using x-offset and z-offset commands, one can align individual lines on the X and Z axis respectively. This however does not make them always align properly from all angles.

  • Permissions

    You can asign a permission that a player needs to see a specific hologram or even hologram line.
    This allows you to display content based on certain conditions.

  • Multiple Line Types

    DecentHolograms allows you to display more than just basic text. It allows you to display floating items, Blocks/Items as a Armor Stand head (Including the small variant) or even Entities.

  • API

    An extensive API is offered, allowing other plugins to hook easily into DecentHolograms and make and manage their own Holograms with all the features offered by DecentHolograms itself.

Official Downloads

DecentHolograms can be downloaded from the below listed pages.
Any other page offering DecentHolograms for download is doing so without our permission and may even share malware!