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Default features


You can simply view all commands for features using the following command:

/dh features help

Damage Display

When damage is dealt, display a temporary holographic text showing the amount of damage.


This feature can be configured in the main config.yml file.

# ...

  # Do you want this feature enabled? [true/false]
  enabled: false
  # Do you want to display damage for players? [true/false]
  players: true
  # Do you want to display damage for mobs? [true/false]
  mobs: true
  # Do you want to display 0 (or less) damage? [true/false]
  zero-damage: false
  # How long will the hologram stay in ticks
  duration: 40
  # Damage placeholder: {damage}
  # Animations and Placeholders DO work here
  appearance: '&c{damage}'
  # Appearance of the damage, if the damage is critical
  critical-appearance: '&4&lCrit!&4 {damage}'
  # Height offset
  height: 0

# ...

Heal Display

When entity heals, display a temporary holographic text showing the amount of health recovered.


This feature can be configured in the main config.yml file.

# ...

  # Do you want this feature enabled? [true/false]
  enabled: false
  # Do you want to display healing for players? [true/false]
  players: true
  # Do you want to display healing for mobs? [true/false]
  mobs: true
  # How long will the hologram stay in ticks
  duration: 40
  # Heal placeholder: {heal}
  # Animations and Placeholders DO work here
  appearance: '&a+ {heal}'
  # Height offset
  height: 0

# ...