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Hologram Line

General usage and editing of hologram lines


Parenthesis are used to indicate arguments. They are not required in the actual command you use!

Parenthesis Meaning
<> Indicates a required argument.
[] Indicates a optional argument.
{} Gives a list of possible options, separated by |.


Aliases: line, l
Permission: dh.command.lines

Command help

For a list of all available subcommands run the following command:

/dh l help

/dh l add <hologram> <page> [content]

Aliases: append
Permission: dh.command.lines.add

Add a new line into hologram.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the line should be.
  • [content] - Optional Content of the new line. Defaults to the defaults.text config option.

/dh l addflag <hologram> <page> <line> <flag>

Permission: dh.command.lines.addflag

Adds a flag to a hologram line.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the line is.
  • <line> - Index of the line.
  • <flag> - Name of the Flag to add.

/dh l align <hologram> <page> <line1> <line2> {X|Z|XZ|FACING}

Permission: dh.command.lines.align

Aligns <line1> with <line2> on the specified axis or facing angle.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the line is.
  • <line1> - Index of the first line.
  • <line2> - Index of the second line.
  • {X|Z|XZ|FACING} - Align <line1> with <line2> on either the X, Z, or X and Z axis, or sets its facing angle to that of <line2>.

/dh l edit <hologram> <page> <line>

Aliases: e
Permission: dh.command.lines.edit

Gives you a chat message to click on to get a pre-made command to edit the specified line.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the line is.
  • <line> - Index of the line.

/dh l height <hologram> <page> <line> <height>

Aliases: setheight
Permission: dh.command.lines.height

Set the height of a line.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the line is.
  • <line> - Index of the line.
  • <height> - Number between 0.0 and 2.5 to set the line height.

/dh l info <hologram> <page> <line>


Display some general info about a hologram line.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the line is.
  • <line> - Index of the line.

/dh l insert <hologram> <page> <line> [content]

Permission: dh.command.lines.insert

Insert a new line into hologram at the position of the given line number.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the line is.
  • <line> - Index of the line.
  • [content] - Optional Content of the new line. Defaults to the defaults.text config option.

/dh l offsetx <hologram> <page> <line> <offset>

Aliases: offx, xoff, xoffset
Permission: dh.command.lines.offsetx

Set the X offset of a hologram line.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the line is.
  • <line> - Index of the line.
  • <offset> - Number between -2.5 and 2.5 to set the X offset of a line.

/dh l offsetz <hologram> <page> <line> <offset>

Aliases: offz, zoff, zoffset
Permission: dh.command.lines.offsetz

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the line is.
  • <line> - Index of the line.
  • <offset> - Number between -2.5 and 2.5 to set the Z offset of a line.

/dh l remove <hologram> <page> <line>

Aliases: del, delete, rem
Permission: dh.command.lines.remove

Remove a line from hologram.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the line is.
  • <line> - Index of the line.

/dh l removeflag <hologram> <page> <line> <flag>

Permission: dh.command.lines.removeflag

Removes a flag from a hologram line.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the line is.
  • <line> - Index of the line.
  • <flag> - Name of the Flag you want to remove.

/dh l set <hologram> <page> <line> <content>

Permission: dh.command.lines.set

Set a new content to hologram line.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the line is.
  • <line> - Index of the line.
  • <content> - Content of a line.

/dh l setfacing <hologram> <page> <line> <facing>

Aliases: facing, face
Permission: dh.command.lines.setfacing

Set the rotation of hologram line facing (Yaw). This only has an effect on #HEAD:, #SMALLHEAD: and #ENTITY: content lines.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the line is.
  • <line> - Index of the line.
  • <facing> - Number between -180.0 and 180.0 for a specific angle, or a cardinal direction (NORTH, EAST, SOUTH or WEST).

/dh l setpermission <hologram> <page> <line> [permission]

Aliases: perm, permission, setperm
Permission: dh.command.lines.setpermission

Set a permission required to view a hologram line.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the line is.
  • <line> - Index of the line.
  • [permission] - Permission required for a line to be seen. Leave empty to remove any permission.

/dh l swap <hologram> <page> <line1> <line2>

Permission: dh.command.lines.swap

Swap two lines in a hologram.

  • <hologram> - Name of the Hologram.
  • <page> - Index of the page, on which the lines are.
  • <line1> - Index of the first line.
  • <line2> - Index of the second line.